Robin Cordell
Dr Robin Cordell
Robin is in day to day practice as an accredited specialist in occupational medicine, and Chairman of Cordell Health, a social enterprise delivering occupational health services across a range of organisations in the public, private and charitable sectors. He previously served more than 20 years in clinical and leadership roles in the Defence Medical Services.
Robin is a Director of the Council for Work and Health, and a member of Council of the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) as Chair of the South Wales and West of England Group. He was SOM President 2015 to 2016.
Robin is involved in the training of the specialist registrars in Cordell Health, and other employed doctors working towards specialist accreditation through the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration route. He is an examiner for the Diploma in Occupational Medicine, and the clinical element for the Part 2 Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine examination.
He is currently appointed by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine as lead for the review of the Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Services (SEQOHS) standards. SEQOHS is the industry standard for occupational health delivery. The revised standards will be launched in 2023.